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"The Wondering Jew"

May. 15, 2005 - 19:06 MDT


Tonight a somewhat esoteric numbered entry comes to The Wondering Jew. 2005 as many entries as years are counted in our semi-Christian world. Each entry has an html number beside it and if I forget then Diarlyand assigns a number pulled out of a hat I guess.

So there are as many html numbered entries as there are years, plus a few. Nearing five and a half years of Diarylanding, it is. And happy am I that this grand activity came to me as a present by Heather and a grandson of ours, a Webtv. He suggested and Heather financed.

I had great fun surfing the web, using search engines to find out things I wished to know. I found a complete Robert Louis Stevenson poetry site and things like that.

Along the way I stumbled onto a journal or two, a diary also. I still can't really tell the difference, is there actually one in all present day actuality ? There were a few I discovered that were published most every day and that they were written by folks whose thoughts were along the lines of mine, or along the lines I wished to think.

Then I began to e-mail some of these folks. Also I ran into Al Shroeder's "Nova Notes" and found that at the end of his entries he posed a question which was available to be answered by anyone who wished. A sort of message board as one could see their own postings to the questions but also the answers of others. That way I was befriended by a lady who later became my cyber-sister as we e-mailed each other frequently.

I was on the way to a predestined course, which was accelerated by my communication with other writers. I began talking in e-mail to friends after seeing the Diaryland set up about trying my hand at a diary myself. I received encouragement and cheers about doing so as the folks seemed to think I would have great fun and no real problem. With Webtv and Diaryland it was a snap to begin learning the ins and outs of "Doing A Diary."

I Originally thought that after a month I would run out of things to say. But my digits figeted at the key board every day and something was said. Not that I ever set great store about what I wrote, just expressed (and am still) things thought about and my opinionated comments. Self exploration and seeking an understanding of myself played a part. And then the joys of memories of my early days.

My children urged me to collect some of my stuff and put together a little booklet so they and theirs could see the time I came from. Youngest daughter, in between raising her family and taking care of her house is working on that when she has time.

Along the way I have been collecting cyber relatives, brothers and sisters and one aunty and am on a message board of sillies like me who also have the problems attendant on humal life. That board alone is something I consider a "family" thing. We joke, tease and console, lay out our problems for suggestions. And that cyber-sister I spoke of, keeps the machinery of that board running and is a guiding spirit. Somehow due to the fact that I am pretty deaf the cyber world is a place where I am among my peers (of all ages) and very happy to be in acutal communication with them.

So tonight is a kind of celebration for me, wow -- 2005 entries (plus a few, almost boggles my mind, it does. Yet, no matter what, among many journalists and diarists who may be younger in years than I but have great seniority in the Webworld than this blithering, blathering NEWBIE . . . . . . . . . .

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