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"The Wondering Jew"

May. 04, 2003 - 17:00 MDT


Where's The Beef ?

The present state of things makes me wonder about cabbages, kings and many other things as well. From my reading of many different folks and have no reason to doubt, many of our corporations pay no taxes, and I don't think they pay taxes on the profits accruing from out of country operations either.

I do not think most average Joe's and Jill's income tax cut will give much money to either, even if all taxes are actually cut. So cutting taxes to produce jobs in our country hasn't worked the first time around, so will the main beneficiaries of a cut invest this time in establishing and running profitable ventures that will create jobs ? I truly wonder. And I also wonder if taxes are cut on dividends and such, who will profit the most ? Those whose dividends are much like mine, minimal before the economy went pffft and are even less now ? And inheritance taxes, I read there is a push to eliminate them too. Talk about something that is dynasty and empire building, wow.

WMD, WMD, WMD ???? Like Molly Ivins I wonder about them. I don't know and she says she doesn't know either where any could be or if there are any but our President says we will find them ! There is a question in my mind about our intelligence forces, I'll leave it at that. They claimed that Iraq's Saddam was about to blast us bad, or badder.

Operation Iraqi Freedom ---- at the cost of losing many of our civil rights it appears to me, and have we truly freed the Iraquis ? How will it ever be possible to get all the factions there to agree on a darn thing and work with each other -- heck the problem hasn't been solved yet in Ireland which has two religious factions and it is right under Europe's nose. The Patriot Act cuts into us folks here, or at least the framework is there to harass us secretly and imprison us secretly. I pray that the ability to do so is never used -- but the framework is there and there are people in the administration striving to make the Patriot Act even more stringent. And there is also a movement afoot to make The Patriot Act permanent even if every last manjack of the terrorists are found and imprisoned. Permanent like forever, no sunset after peace is restored. Forever, that is one heck of a long time.

Military action has ceased according to officialdom, no WMD's have been found, I wonder what the next move will be ? To shore up our economy, bring our military back home and rebuild the ruins of our businesses ? Or could it be that the next moves will be mistaken ?

Claim and counter claim, we are in danger of everything being blown up by terrorists, yadda, yadda. It somewhat reminds me of the McCarthy days of Red Hunting, but the law is in effect now and it could make things a lot worse for all of us.

Where are the plans to fix our broken economy and where are the WMD, how much of the money we don't have will be spent reconstructing Iraq and Afghanistan ? Will it in the end, do a bit of good ?

Anymore I am much like that little old lady with arms akimbo in the TV ads who said "Where's The Beef ?" . . . . . . . . . .

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