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of Doug's
"The Wondering Jew"

Jul. 04, 2003 - 20:14 MDT


Reading - Reading

I must keep this reasonably short, this Friday Five

1. - What were your favorite childhood stories ?

A. - All of them, each had a different feature that I liked. One of my favorites was "A Child's Garden Of Verses by Robert Louis Stevenson - each poem told some kind of story that got my attention.

2. - What books from your childhood would you like to share with your children ?

A. - I shared the above mentioned book with each of my children as they came up. Got one of my children into Edgar Allen Poe (She was the one who liked to be a part of Inner Sanctum. The oldest boy gained interest in reading science fiction from looking at my magazines. Around our house were those ever present Golden Books, some of which had stories I liked in childhood.

3. - Have you re-read any of those childhood stories and been surprised by anything ?

A. - Yes, I have and found that the childhood stories were lacking in many ways to what I am accustomed to now. Some of them still hold their romance and excitement though. The previously mentioned "Child's Garden Of Verses," is read by me at least once a year and often I will call it up on my screen and read a few verses as time permits. There is something about it that still enchants me.

4. - How old were you when you first learned to read ?

A. - I am not sure, it went to having stories read to me right into my reading them for myself. Once the folks taught me the alphabet and the phonetics I memorized the alphabet I practices to a great extent and my reading gained speed. It was before kindergarten age I am sure.

5. - Do you remember the first 'grown up' book you read ? How old were you ?

A. - The Lady Of The Camellias by Dumas, I remember specifically Dad told me it was to old for me to read. Helped me figure out humanity a bit though. From that story Verdi wrote La Traviata, a bit more adult than my folks wanted me to read. I think it was third grade that it was read, I didn't keep a log so can't date it. But I was much younger than I was supposed to be to read that one.


The Oregon family came home late and spent the night, we had breakfast and visited, daughter helped Heather on one of her projects and away they went up to Boulder.

Son In Law's father is retiring and their new house is almost ready to occupy, so this will be the last family get together before the old home goes vacant. Their far flung family are in from around the country, many of them sleeping elsewhere for the occasion.

Then on the 6th Son In Law and our grandson are flying to Poland (ancestral land) to look around. After they go to the airport comes the 60th anniversary party. Then daughter and grand daughter will be with Heather and I for going on to two weeks. Then comes her 40th birthday party which will be held here with all her brothers and sisters in attendance. I suppose a few days after that they will head back to Eugene, Oregon and get caught up there, sports have begun for them already.

'Tisn't over yet and already I am hating the parting.

So I sit at the keyboard and stare at the screen, Reading, Reading . . . . . . . . .

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