
Bozoette Mary - 2006-09-17 22:27:22
I'd have loved to share some sweet tea with Miss Ann!
LA - 2006-09-17 23:02:05
I adored Ann Richards and could not believe she (or Molly Ivins) was from Texas. Ann Richards went a long way to restoring my faith that even the weediest of lots can sprout roses. ~LA
bb - 2006-09-18 08:58:08
And I was mad as hell when she lost the election to the shrub. To hear his kind words for her now grinds even more!
l'empress - 2006-09-18 09:20:52
We're going to miss Ann Richards for a long time; she was an excellent examples of a woman who knew how to work with politics. If you've been reading "Cathy" for the last couple of weeks, you'll know that Ann was right about finding a gun in a purse, too.
sheila - 2006-09-18 20:22:47
She was a witty lady and a great one who did so many good things for her state! Her 'silver foot in his mouth' remark was a classic.
mz. em - 2006-09-25 23:21:31
I, too, would have loved to have met Ann Richards. She was a kick.

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