
LA - 2006-10-23 07:59:02
All I know is we're in a helluva mess. It's frightening how in 6 years we've gone from a peaceful democracy with a balanced budget to a quasi-dictatorship in trillions of dollars of debt mired in an unwinnable war. One party rule worked here just as well as it did in the USSR. ~LA
Jim - 2006-10-23 09:33:53
Interesting to see the opinions of people like George Will... not quite what one might have expected a coupld of years ago.
l'empress - 2006-10-23 09:42:08
How about we build them a fence -- Shiites on one side and Sunnis on the other. And we tell them, you can't even talk to each other until you learn to play without fighting. And then we take our own people out of harm's way. Maybe the North Koreans would like to play policemen; it would tive them something to do besides building reactors. If we're gonna be stoopid, let's be REAL stoopid.
Cosmic - 2006-10-23 14:52:35
That is really scarey. Rules of war seem to be turning into a joke.
sheila - 2006-10-23 21:21:44
Do you ever watch Keith Olbermann on MSNBC? He is right on with his Special Comments. They can also be found on

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