
Bex - 2006-11-01 06:38:35
One thing that always impresses us on our trip to the UK was how the citizens were extremely concerned about the environment. They take care of it as if it's a sick puppy. They conserve, in all ways of life, and they scorn us for wasting so much and dirtying up the planet. Even when my British friend came over here to visit the U.S. for the first time a few yrs ago, she scolded me for filling up my teapot too full with water when all I needed was a cup's worth or two. I think of her saying that every morning when I continue filling my teapot to the top with water to heat. Shame on me, and shame on us.
Jim - 2006-11-01 09:50:35
I think you described the situation, Doug -- both sides have their own set of advocates who preach the party line and ignore any inconvenient facts that don't fit. The sensible thing to do would be to launch some intense research to find out just exactly what is happening and determining the best ways of preventing further problems, and mitigating or curing damage. By the way, it was clever of how Gore manages to put the rejection of the Kyoto on Bush when the actual rejection happened back when Clinton and Gore were still in office and the Senate voted for an anti-Kyoto resolution (what was the vote? 96 to 0? something like that) and the Clinton/Gore administration decided that it was foolish to even attempt a ratification vote. Oh, but there is absolutely nothing political about good old Al Gore; he is speaking out from the pure organic goodness of his heart.
mz. em - 2006-11-01 18:46:30
If more cities pushed their governments towards better transit systems, I'm sure it would help. I know I would ride the bus more often if it was reliable. At this point to use such transportation it almost takes a day just to go into town for one appointment. Not worth it when I can jump in my car and be gone for only a couple of hours and then be at home.

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