
Stephanie - 2006-11-03 04:43:22
Two of my siblings lost babies - not to SIDS, but to other medical problems. I know the pain of that particular heartache. I'm sorry your family had to go through that.
Bozoette Mary - 2006-11-03 07:00:51
When SonnyeBoy was an infant, SIDS was my worst fear. I'm glad this research is promising.
LA - 2006-11-03 08:38:31
That research is wonderful news! Thanks for telling us about it. It's a hopeful thing to know that despite the mess and folly in the world right now that there's good people dedicated to helping and finding cures and answers. You rock, Doug, for your generosity of spirit and wide-ranging interests. And of course for your huge loving heart. ~LA
l'empress - 2006-11-03 09:18:12
This is a special blessing to parents whose nbabies refuse to sleep any way but on their bellies. (All but the weakest babies can raise their heads.) No pillows, minimum blankets. Unfortunately, the guilt will remain. It's part of what makes you human.
Sunshyn - 2006-11-03 12:19:43
If I sleep on my tummy, I hurt my neck. Curled up on my side is best. Roo sleeps all sorts of ways, but mostly on his back with his head thrown back and his arms up, hands loose (relaxed). I don't know how he sleeps THERE). He slept on his tummy a lot as a little baby, and there was nothing you could do about it, because he put himself there. Old enough to roll over, old enough to sleep on the tummy. I always knew it wasn't due to tummy sleeping and the "back to sleep" campaign wasn't going to fix things; it was just going to cause a lot of kids with flat heads who never learned to roll over properly.
bb - 2006-11-04 18:51:53
Both our kids slept on bellies. The approved method then.

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