
Jim - 2006-12-19 07:00:01
Absolutely. Lost war. Idiotic. Mindless. The supposed War on Drugs keeps prices high, which makes smuggling drugs obscenely profitable, which encourages corruption worldwide, and which provides huge amounts of money into poor areas of the world, including into Afganistan where our dumbass War on Drugs keeps the profits in growing opium very high which helps to finance the Taliban and the warlords who work with Al Qaida. In the U.S., it fills our jails, destroys the inner cities, generates much of our violent crime problems, and provides money for corrupting police, the courts, and legislators. (Why else would they fight so hard to keep pushing this losing war?)
John Bailey - 2006-12-19 13:27:41
Absolutely. The use of addictive drugs, including tobacco and alcohol, ought to be an individual choice, nothing to do with the State. Punishing crime, including that consequent on intoxication, *is* the business of the State. They've got the two mixed up.

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