
John Bailey - 2007-01-12 16:12:32
There isn't an answer to this one that's acceptable to civilised people inside or outside the USA, Doug. All we can do is to do the best we can.
Jim - 2007-01-12 17:27:33
When the U.S. was putting together a multi-national group of nations to go into Iraq, the "loyal" opposition was screaming that we were being unilateral. At the same damned time when we were pushing for multilateral talks with North Korea (with South Korea, China, Japan, Russia, and ourselves) these very same critics were screaming that we were wrong, that the only valid talks would include just us and North Korea. The international opposition to the Iraq war was centered on German, France, and Russia who were all making billions of dollars in graft (along with Kofi and his friends and family) from the UN "oil-for-food" dealings -- so naturally they said we were doing it to get rich. Anything the U.S. does will generate hostile criticism. We are blamed for not intervening in Africa but we are also blamed for absolutely anything we do to try to help. Maybe the answer is that we should never do anything there. We'll still be blamed for everything they do to each other, but at least they won't be able to pull another Black Hawk Down type ambush. To hear the Europeans carry on, they know far more about how to handle the world's problems than we do, so maybe it's about time they stepped up and actually tried to do something useful instead of being critical of everything we do -- after all, many of the problems in Africa are rooted in the European colonial misrule in the first place. They broke it; let them fix it.

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