
Bob Smith - 2007-01-17 08:20:14
I feel that my online journal and off line diary are my only real "friends".
l'empress - 2007-01-17 12:16:42
It's always a revelaion to meet someone who thinks as you do -- even if they're only dots on a computer screen. I started a paper journal when I was about fifteen; it was something I could talk to despite having been taught, more or less, to keep my mouth shut. (If you want to read it, see Though d'land doesn't help me as much as it once did, I am still grateful for the jump start.
Stefani - 2007-01-17 12:30:41
Does Al still write? I Googled briefly but didn't land on anything current right away. I think I need to send him a thank you note, if he's the reason you write! Thank you, Doug, for making cyberspace a better place. :-)
Kelli - 2007-01-17 13:27:26
Growing up knowing I was adopted made me feel as if I had no one who truly understood ME. Since then, I've found Bio-Mom and a bunch of online "family" that does understand me... what a wonderful blessing it's been, too. I love you Doug. :)
LA - 2007-01-17 14:41:36
Well you've been here to see what happened to me as I documented my life before strangers for the last 5 years. The strangers became friends and I became a friend to myself. Honestly? I don't know if I'd still be alive if it weren't for my journal and the warmth of love that's come to me through it. ~LA
sheila - 2007-01-17 21:38:47
I love your writings, Doug, so just keep on writing for many a long year. We all love you.
Denver doug - 2007-01-18 00:01:03
Bob Smith, Your name niggles at my memory, have we communicated ? Please e-mail me your url so that I can read your journal. [email protected] Are you the man who is older than I ? Thanks for reading and commenting.
Stephanie - 2007-01-20 19:10:28
Looking good, Doug!

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