
Stefani - 2007-01-18 05:10:45
New York is one of those first states with that cell phone while driving law. I wouldn't dream of not using my head set - because it's the right thing to do and it's the law, for cryin' outloud. (I rarely talk on the phone in the car, for the very reasons you cite.) Every single day, without exception, I see any number of drives yakking on the phone while driving. You'd think the hefty fine, if nothing else would deter them. Unbelievable.
Bex - 2007-01-21 16:17:29
It is my opinion that no one should be talking on a phone whilst driving. Period. If you MUST make a call, pull OVER FOR GOD'S SAKE! I'll never understand the selfishness of SO MANY IDIOTS. This topic really gets me hot under the collar, and everywhere else. I hate hate hate cell phone use in cars, in movies, in restaurants, in the supermarket... can't people keep their private conversations TO THEMSELVES? (rant over...for now)
Carol - 2007-01-21 18:13:50
I haven't been getting your notifies again. I like the photo of you from yesterday's entry. You are a handsome man

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