
sheila - 2007-01-19 19:35:08
Truly, a scary thought.
Paula G - 2007-01-20 00:39:46
I have been reading that they are discovering cancers forming around microchips in animals. I do have my dogs microchipped in fear of them getting lost, but microchipping humans is terrifying.
l'empress - 2007-01-20 12:24:37
Have you heard about people who have their credit card info implanted so that they don't have to carry the cards? How long before someone figures out how to scan them without their knowledge? Let's keep a little privacy to ourselves.
Betty Lou - 2007-01-20 13:00:51
I'm wondering why I haven't been getting your notifies lately. This cyberspace stuff sure is confusing, isn't it?
Stephanie - 2007-01-20 19:07:29
I'm not getting notifies, either. Yet another example of the inadequacies of technology, which in turn leads to another reason to rebel against microchipping!

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