
dichroic - 2007-01-28 03:02:32
One thing I've come to realize is that if you don't photgraph well (abd I *dont*) the solution is not to have fewer pictures taken but more. Then you can select the tolerable one from the ten or 100 you never want to see again. (Except in unusual situations you can be sure that winnowing has happened with any picture of me I've ever posted.) Digital cameras are a boon for this.
Jim - 2007-01-28 09:14:43
I've noticed that I look much older in recent photographs than I do in ones that were taken thirty or forty years ago. Isn't that amazing! At least the mug shots for newspaper columnists are taken by professional photographers using professional equipment rather than being random shots by a family member using a five dollar disposable camera.
bb - 2007-01-28 19:28:50
I can relate to Mary. As I age my lips disappear but the double chin doesn't!

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