
John Bailey - 2007-02-01 03:33:26
There's a move to 'make the polluter pay'. Can't argue with that, but it seems to me we're all pulluters, and we all pay, one way or another. Not as much as today's kids will have to pay in a very few decades, but we all pay.
Jim - 2007-02-01 06:20:40
Doug, that is all true, but actually most places in the country pollution is reduced from what it used to be. Cars pollute less -- modern cars are far cleaner than in days past and inspection requirements get junkers off the road. And remember when people heated with coal? (Of course good news doesn't sell newspapers.) However, you are quite right about the need to reduce pollution more and also about the need to cut back on the use of oil.
Wilma - 2007-02-01 07:36:25
People keep saying that pollution is less than it was years ago. That may be true in some ways, but there are a lot more people now. There is a lot of talk these days here about our country's responsibility in this area. Canada's target according to the Kyoto accord was to reduce all pollutants to single digit numbers by 2020. In all actuality, it has risen by 27% in the last 10 years. And we have a prime minister who went on record several years ago when he was running for another party as saying the Kyoto Accord was a bunch of foolishness. Reminds me of several years ago when Reynolds Aluminum just across the river in the US was cited as being a major polluter and told to reduce their emissions. They said they couldn't afford it and would have to shut down. The government backed off and nothing was done despite concrete evidence of birth defects, breathing disorders, etc. in that area.

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