
John Bailey - 2007-04-11 02:18:35
I've no recollection of marshmallow roasting here in the UK and don't know if the kids do it here now. Tin bath time was however very much a part of my youth, especially after a V2 rocket blew the roof off the bathroom out back. Then we moved to a house with heating and a proper bathroom, the old tin bath got filled with earth and planted with houseleeks, and the world was never the same again... Nice memories, Doug -- thanks!
Stephanie - 2007-04-11 07:57:11
My sister and I were just talking to our 95 year old grandmother about how she used to take baths when she was a child... While I enjoy hearing about such things, I enjoy the conveniences of modern plumbing even more!
LA - 2007-04-11 08:13:04
As a big fan of indoor plumbing and natural gas water heaters, I am trying to imagine such labor-intensive and less than comfy bathing. Um, no. I do realize needs contrive and it was just that cumbersome effort which led to the conveniences of waters heaters and jaccuzi tubs, but I'm also thinking that since washtub bathing WAS such a chore that you really knew you were clean after a bath. Thanks for the pic, btw, you handsome devil. ~LA
bb - 2007-04-11 09:43:24
It is funny I can't remember how we bathed but not the hair shampoo. I also can't remember if mom used a tea kettle but I think she did. Ought to call and ask her. I sure hope with your oxygen you didn't get too close to that fire. :-)
sheila - 2007-04-11 21:16:33
Ah Doug, here's another remnant of those winter Saturday night baths in the old washtub, brought up from the basement and placed in the kitchen by the woodstove. Yes, we grew up in STL but somehow still had a woodstove for quite awhile. We did have a bathroom with tub, but it was just too cold in the winter for bathing. I'm glad that those days are long gone, at least the washtub part of them. Looking pretty handsome there!

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