
Stephanie - 2007-04-19 07:32:35
"Lilac Time." How lovely.
sheila - 2007-04-19 19:49:52
Ah yes, love those lilacs. Nice memories, Doug, lucky you to have playground swings and things. In our little south STL neighborhood school which was right out our back door, the boys' and girls' playgrounds were on opposite sides of the school, no playing together there. We had to use our imaginations and dodge ball was my favorite. The big church was to our front, and the convent across the street from the school, with the park to the side of our girls' playground. I sometimes visit the old neighborhood again in my memories too.
Jim - 2007-04-21 11:53:43
Great memories, great times. Thanks, Doug. This time of year always puts me in mind of the poetry of e.e. cummings -- his lines about "in Just- spring when the world is mud-luscious" and "when the world is puddle-wonderful"

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