
Wendy, NC - 2007-05-08 23:33:43
Doug, another lover of Tinker Toys here. I love your response to your Dad.
Stephanie - 2007-05-09 07:08:08
I, too, loved Tinker Toys and Lincoln Logs when I was a kid.
Jim - 2007-05-09 07:35:38
Yes, I loved playing with Tinker Toys and Lincoln Logs and Tootsie Toy cars -- also American Bricks (sort of like Legos, except made from wood). No batteries required for any of them.
LA - 2007-05-09 07:56:59
Mick collects Tootsie toys! Loves them. How cool two of my favorite guys share a pash for something so fun. ~LA
Deb - 2007-05-09 09:53:12
You'd be right at home in our playroom! We currently have some form of tinkertoy windmill next to the coffee table, though the lincoln logs are in their tube right now. The trains (a couple different types) come out less often now, but have always been a favorite.

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