
hil - 2007-06-15 08:52:43
Amen.I feel so sad that my kids can't run loose as I did.
Jim - 2007-06-15 09:48:00
I agree that modern kids are too restricted and "protected" and tied down. I think we kept a closer watch on our kids than our parents did when we were kids, but I'm grateful that when Jill & Jeremy were young we lived in a nice old-fashioned neighborhood where the kids could roam freely back-and-forth to each other's houses and ride their bikes and play together without always being under adult thumbs.
l'empress - 2007-06-15 09:51:14
Well, you know my kids are in their thirties now. And they still have the gift of wonder, of watching the animals in our yard and looking at the plant life on the perimeter. I've gone sightseeing with each of them at one time or another, and now they lead me.
Sarah - 2007-06-15 16:40:53
I wonder if it's really that necessary for strict supervision and play dates, as much as current parenting wisdom seems to dictate. Part of growing up is to learn to assess peers, evaluate safe/unsafe situations, when to go along with the group and when to listen to one's conscience and/or common sense. It is learned through practice as much as, if not more than, precept.
bb - 2007-06-15 21:18:25
Well I see indeed you are writing. Wonder why I'm not getting notifies? Cow bells, loved the sound! Lightning bugs, loved the pursuit.

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