
John Bailey - 2007-06-24 04:11:20
I'm doing much the same thing in sifting memories, Doug. I don't think I'm as good at it as you, though!
bb - 2007-06-24 14:31:56
Watching tv this morning I see where China is wiping out some beautiful old tradition for high rises for the Olympics. I'm sure some needs to go but why can't some remain?
mz. em - 2007-06-24 16:26:34
Thanks for the walk down memory lane. I have always loved theater. Back many years ago, I had the opportunity to visit New York City on a regular basis. One of my mainstays was to atten a Wednesday matinee at the theater. I saw some wonderful shows. It was like reading a book only the characters talked.
sue - 2007-06-24 19:20:50
When we lived in Cheyenne ('60 - '63) we made a habit of going to Denver whenever the Broadway shows were in town. We spent the night, then drove back to Cheyenne the next day. (I carefully refrained from asking my OB about doing this three weeks before my due date.)

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