
LA - 2007-09-29 09:43:37
I dearly love when a 'lost' object turns up! I'm forever coming across things I'd forgotten I had and am delighted to see again. True, you didn't forget you had the hearing aid, but the replacement is so good I'll bet the original went missing just to force you to get the new one. Now that there's music again and you can have your fill of it the old aid could come back and be there as a back-up. ~LA
sheila - 2007-09-29 20:16:07
I agree with LA about the original going missing to force you into getting a new one, and now just look/listen to how great it is. Norm misplaced his car keys this morning and searched all over for them, finally took my spare keys. Later we found them nestled down in the crease of his recliner, they had slipped out of his pocket while lounging. He has such a nest of pillows built up because of his back, that you could lose anything in there. By the way, he is to have more back surgery to repair what didn't work the first time, so hoping that this time by a neurosurgeon will have much better results and he'll have a lesser degree of pain.
Carol - 2007-09-30 19:41:30
You know I never find a lost object until I am searching for something else. I am glad your mystery is solved and that the music is back.

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