
dichroic - 2007-11-15 20:18:52
What you wrote about your granddaughter - have you said that to her? I think it would mean a lot. I know she knows you love her, but knowing that your elders see you and spend time thinking about you as a whole person, not just their grandkid, and that they see you becoming an adult.... Even better, write it in a letter she can reread when she's 34.
LA - 2007-11-16 06:18:29
Ha! Dichroic beat me to it! And said it better than I would have. Hope your shoulder cuts you a break. ~LA
Kelli - 2007-11-16 13:18:12
I love you, Doug. Glad you're enjoying your visit and the scenery. I hope your left shoulder is feeling better soon. Take care, dear friend. Love, Kelli
Stephanie - 2007-11-17 08:12:45
I'm so glad you're enjoying yourself, and I hope your shoulder doesn't give you too much trouble.
kdip - 2007-11-17 15:20:33
Re Viktor Frankl: He was such an encouragement to me with his quote (probably not remembered totally accurately!) We can't control what happens to us, we can control our reactions to it.

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