
sheila - 2008-01-10 21:29:03
Doug, you sure have my sympathy with your painful shoulder. I hope to goodness that your next therapy does the trick. I can understand because Norm is going thru therapy now due to his weak legs and inability to walk without his walker and constant pain. The therapy seems to make it all much worse instead of better. Hugs to Heather.
bb - 2008-01-10 21:48:20
Frozen shoulders are horrible from what I hear. Heck bursitis is bad enough. Is there a hot tub nearby?
marcia - 2008-01-10 22:29:32
Once again. We have grown to love you brudder Doug.
Katherine - 2008-01-10 22:39:46
I'm pulling for you too!
John Bailey - 2008-01-11 02:36:29
Here's hoping the acupuncture works for you, Doug. I've seen some miraculous results from it.
Jim - 2008-01-11 06:18:25
My bursitis gives me a slight hint of your shoulder difficulties. Ouch. I suppose one of these days medical nanotechnology will get us to the point where one shot will fix all of these problems. Until then, I hope the acupuncture will help your shoulder.
Wendy, NC - 2008-01-11 07:24:42
Doug, for what it's worth, my dear husband went through the challenging physical therapy to "unfreeze" his shoulder this past autumn and it worked wonderfully. Granted, he's a bit younger than you, but he had delayed doing anything about it for quite a few months and he can't take the prescription pain relievers or muscle relaxants, so you may be in a better place than he. Best wishes for an equally successful outcome.
Jenn - 2008-01-11 08:18:08
Am keeping you close in thought and prayer. I hate that you're in so much pain. I hope this works well for you and that you won't have any more discomfort. Big hug and much love. -J
Carol - 2008-01-11 09:44:40
Doug, I do hope you will feel better soon. I will send you good thoguhts
Betty Lou - 2008-01-11 12:06:28
So sorry for your pain. Here's hoping the doctors find something soon that really helps. (This is why they are called "Practicing Physicians".)
Carol in Texas - 2008-01-13 09:08:33
Praying for your healing, Doug, and relief from your pain.
Joy Perry - 2008-01-13 14:35:14
Doug, only you could tell about something so bad and leave us humming a song! I hope you're feeling a little relief this weekend, but none of the things your doctor recommended sounded like they worked very fast. For some reason, I wondered if anybody offered hypnosis? I know women who have used it for childbirth, so it must be pretty powerful! Hope prayers help. Joy

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