Contact Kelli,
temporary manager
of Doug's
"The Wondering Jew"

Dec. 22, 2007 - 04:21 MST


Here it is 04:26 MST and awake I am -- in a bumblilng sort of way

Yesterday in the morning called doctor for an appointment (same day) have to do that very early in the morning.

The little dab of Physical Therapy I was given was not doing the job, just making the hurt worse. Pain medication helping very little.

First though we had to go across town to the hospital to see our son who just had knee replacement. We were about in mid visit and son looking out the window said, "The snow is here earlier than they said it would be, you and Mom better head out." Which we did, shortly. And as we went the snow grew more abundant.

As we went further across town to the clinic my shoulder began giving me fits, more so than usual.

When we got to clinic, I told my tale of woe to the doctor, she poked and pried as doctors do. I said that I thought maybe the course to take now would be the injection of steroids.

She though a bit and said, perhaps we will go that way, but first comes the x-ray. Slow became slower as I trudged through my day, finally the x-ray was done and back up to the doctor's we went. A dreary wait, as they all are on late afternoons and finally we were ushered in. Doctor said, "Good news, you've got Arthritis in that shoulder." Which my reply would have been in less polite society, "No isht cowboy, glad you found that out." And then she went on to say that all the feared developments had not taken place, no cancer etc.

Then she said, "The people who give steroid injections to the shoulder are not here today, but if you call early in the morning to the appointment center I am sure we can get you in Monday as they are all on duty on Monday and I am putting in an order for such."

The one good thing that gave immediate relief was a prescription for Percocet which is a bit stronger than Vicodin and did get me some peaceful sleep. Having slept myself out I woke early, and once again fill the bill of EARLY RISER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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